Friday, February 29, 2008

Week Eight: a Question of Balance

Semiconductor of the Week: Antimony

A semiconductor is something that can conduct electricity in some conditions, but not in others.
Antimony is kind of a downer and I don't know why I picked it. I think the same may be true of all the semiconductors. Thankfully, it is not abundant on earth.

Antimony is generally toxic. Nevertheless, it is used as a flame retardant in things for children. (God help us). It is also in mattresses. Some people think that antimony has lead to the increase in autism and/or SIDS deaths. It is also used in electronics, as many semiconductors are. All of which begs the question: what happens to old mattresses and computer monitors that end up rotting in landfill and leaching into the water supply?

On a slightly brighter note, antimony was used in ages gone by as a medicine. It is still used as a veterinary skin conditioner. It has been used by man since 3000 BC.

Welcome to Chembalancer

I actually really enjoyed this link. I love this kind of game. I never did figure out the last one though, and ran out of patience. I wish it would give you the answer if you try a few times. Anyway, liked the link a lot.

General Chemistry: Balancing Equations

I can't open this and it seems to be threatening my OS. Not going to pursue further.

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