Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Week Eleven: Cell Biology

Cell Biology and TCM

I think there is a relationship between cell biology and TCM in the are of metabolism. The metabolic process is one of breaking down compunds known as food into smaller compounds. These compounds are then put to use by our bodies, entering into biochemical reactions that make our life functions possible. This is the western view of metabolism.

It could also be looked at from an eastern perspective. The process of metabolism isn't a mechanistic one where each molecule must be tracked through a string of reactions from entry to exit from the body. Rather, it can be viewed more holistically. Metabolism is the process of releasing the chi stored within each food that we consume. This chi is then made part of our chi, which in turn fuels our living functions.

NOVA link on Mitosis and Meiosis
I found this interesting and a useful visual tool to understand the two processes.


BrownRabbit said...

I find the understanding of Qi to be much more qualitatively accurate than the molecule specific understanding of metabolism. The chemical understanding is too abstract to work with in a human way, in a real and effective way. This abstraction is, I believe, much of the reason for Western medicine's failure to treat so many common diseases. Such an abstract way of seeing is not rooted in the body but more rooted in the conceptual and laboratory model where the intricacy of the human being isn't fully understood or considered.

Lisa B said...

I liked the connection you made to metabolism. I found it difficult to reconcile cell biology with TCM studies, as I imagine that we will be discussing metabolism and nutrition at a systems level instead of a cellular level at AIMC. We'll have to wait and see, I gues. I am grateful that Western medicine has acquired and addressed cell biology, as I would think that it is at this level that diseases, such as cancer, and certainly genetic disorders will be addressed.